Imaging Demonstration of a Broadband THz camera with scientific equipment: THz-TDS, VNA and QCL

A broadband Terahertz camera can be an invaluable tool for research and development with various scientific equipment. Watch this webinar to learn more about the imaging potential of our terahertz camera with THz-TDS, VNA and QCL scientific equipment.  

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Webinar: Imaging Demonstration of a Broadband THz camera with scientific equipment: THz-TDS, VNA and QCL

A broadband terahtertz (THz) camera going from 0.09 to 20 THz can be an invaluable tool for research and development with various scientific equipment. Thanks to imaging capabilities over a wide range of wavelengths, this camera can help the alignment of complex setups. It can perform beam profiling and can trigger many other experiments and fundamental studies at the cornerstone of new applications. 
During this webinar, Alex Paquet, Research Scientist for Imaging Systems at INO, will discuss and demonstrate broadband characteristics of a Thz camera going from 0.09 to 20 THz and beam imaging and profiling on THz-time-domain spectrometer (THz-TDS), pulse detection. He will also elaborate on imaging examples with vector network analyser (VNA) in the mmWave range, thermal imaging possibilities with a quantum cascade laser (QCL) and research from various groups using this camera.

Key takeaways:

  • Beam profiling for THz-TDS; 
  • Rule of thumb for predicting the detection of pulsed THz emitters for other types of pulsed source generation systems; 
  • Millimeter wave spectrum and demonstration on VNA with extension module; 
  • Imaging capabilities QCL development; 
  • Recent works performed by the worldwide scientific community with the broadband THz camera. 

Technical level



Alex Paquet

Alex Paquet, Research Scientist for Imaging Systems, INO


Pierre Talbot

Pierre Talbot, Business Development Manager, INO

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