
Remote Detection and Monitoring

Technological advances make it possible to monitor localized and fugitive events, map remote and inhospitable regions and track the movements of people or objects in real time.

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In an ever-changing world, remote mapping and monitoring have become very important.

Population growth, urbanization and environmental changes have increased the demand for accurate mapping data and reliable remote monitoring.

Technological advances in remote sensing, artificial intelligence and geomatics have significantly improved collected data quality at reduced costs.

Your Challenges

INO Remote detection and monitoring Remotely detect Icon

Remotely detect

gases, minerals, contaminants, living organisms or plants.
INO Remote detection and monitoring Predict and measure Icon

Predict and measure

the climate change impact.
INO Remote detection and monitoring Characterize Icon


soil and crop needs and threats.
INO Remote detection and monitoring Remotely monitor Icon

Remotely monitor

the temperature of infrastructures, soils, water bodies and forest areas.
INO Remote detection and monitoring Monitor and detect Icon

Monitor and detect

biological threats.
INO Remote detection and monitoring Monitor and detect without contact Icon

Monitor and detect without contact

weapons carried by humans.
INO Remote detection and monitoring Remotely monitor Icon

Remotely monitor

the health of living beings.

Our customer testimonials

See what INO customers have to say about our services and solutions.

We liked Aeromap’s 2D/3D mapping capabilities because they did not measure the concentration of particulate matter at a point, but rather in the volume surveyed. In addition, the ability to perform measurements from a distance (several tens of metres) is a clear advantage from a safety perspective when measurements must be carried out in a heavy industrial environment that is highly coactive.

Jonathan Bernier, Research Scientist, Chemist, M.Sc. Rio Tinto

INO has been very professional throughout the entire process. There were times when we weren’t sure what we wanted to do, but INO was always patient with us. At one point we changed course quite substantially which changed how INO was involved but INO continued to offer the same high-quality advice and service.

Nathan Hoel, Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder BinSentry

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